Intensive course on Machine Translation training for multilingual citizens

Intensive course on Machine Translation training for multilingual citizens

The Erasmus+ project “MultiTraiNMT - Machine Translation training for multilingual citizens” organizes an onsite intensive course for partner’s students and lecturers. The MultiTraiNMT project aims specifically to develop an innovative syllabus in machine translation, and in particular machine translation based on currently popular deep learning techniques, also known as ‘neural machine translation. 

More information about MultitraiNMT


The intensive course will be hosted by the Université Grenoble-Alpes from May 9th to May 13th 2022. The goal of the training is double fold: learning on machine translation as well as assessing the quality of the training materials and user-friendliness of the MutNMT interface for neural machine translation to make changes before the final delivery of project deliverables. The contents of the course will be the following:

Module 1. Multilingualism

Module 2. Introduction to machine translation

Module 3. How to choose a suitable MT system. Evaluation of machine translation quality

Module 4. How to prepare and select texts for machine translation

Module 5. How to deal with machine translation mistakes. Post-editing and error fixing

Module 6. Ethics aspects of MT

Module 7. How NMT works

Module 8. Customisable NMT engines

The twenty-eight participants in the intensive course will be students and lecturers from the Université Grenoble-Alpes, Dublin City University, Universitat d’Alacant and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Specifically, 5 students and 2 lecturers from each university, all of them studying and working on translation technologies.
